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Public sector EBA ballot opens Monday 16 September: VOTE YES

Public sector EBA ballot opens Monday 16 September: VOTE YES

Ballarat members attending the 26 June statewide members meeting. Photographer: Ian Wilson

Ballot information

The ballot to approve the 2024-2028 public sector nurses and midwives agreement will open 9am Monday 16 September and close 5pm Friday 20 September.

ANMF is strongly recommending members VOTE YES.

The electronic ballot will be conducted by independent ballot agent Vero Voting on behalf of your employer.

All nurses and midwives covered by the agreement, including casuals, will be eligible to vote on the question: ‘Do you approve the Nurses and Midwives (Victorian Public Health Sector) Single Interest Employer Enterprise Agreement 2024-28?’

The statewide ANMF members meeting on 26 June 2024 overwhelmingly endorsed the Allan Government’s EBA offer reached after intensive discussions between ANMF (Vic Branch) and senior Department of Health and government representatives.

After months of negotiations and ANMF members taking protected industrial action for 51 days, make sure your vote counts and participate in this important process to formalise the agreement and start receiving the benefits.

It is important to vote yes so that the benefits including the pay increases and associated backpay can start to come into effect. If the majority of nurses and midwives at your employer vote no, that employer will be removed from the agreement and none of the benefits of the 2024-28 EBA will apply to their nursing/midwifery employees.

ANMF and your employer will send information about the voting process closer to 16 September.

The proposed EBA benefits

The proposed EBA includes a 28.4 per cent (compounded) pay rise by the end of the four-year agreement and more than 70 new and improved working conditions including allowances, penalties and other improved entitlements.

An ANMF summary document of the key wins is available via


Ballot timeline

Monday 9 September to Sunday 15 September: the seven-day access period. Employers will provide access to the final proposed enterprise agreement (272 pages) and a summary of key changes document. ANMF and your workplace Job Reps will also distribute hard copies of the ANMF explanatory material in addition to the information we will email members.

Monday 16 September, 9am: ballot opens. All employees will receive the voting link via your work email from Vero Voting.

Friday 20 September, 5pm: ballot closes.

Monday 23 September: the results will be declared and if a positive outcome, an application will be made to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for final approval of the 2024-2028 EBA.

This ballot is being conducted on behalf of your employer of all employees covered by the agreement – not just ANMF members. In the event you do not receive an electronic ballot, you must contact your employer and ensure that they address this issue for you.


Pay increases and backpay

ANMF did request that the Victorian Government instruct employers to begin paying the new rates and associated backpay after a successful ballot outcome, rather than wait for Fair Work Commission (FWC) review and approval.

The government has responded that the new rates and backpay will be paid in line with the Fair Work Act which is seven days following FWC approval.

ANMF has also asked that employers divide the backpay payments into the June pay increase and the July increase to reduce the tax implications and to ensure that the backpay paid is the accurate amount. We await further discussions and confirmation on the back payment method to be adopted by health services.
