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December pay rise for public sector nurses and midwives

December pay rise for public sector nurses and midwives

2020 public sector enterprise agreement

ANMF (Vic Branch) public sector nurse and midwife members will receive a 3 per cent pay rise in the first full pay period on or after 1 December under the historic eight-year wage deal agreed with the Victorian Government in 2016.

During the 2016–20 enterprise agreement negotiations, ANMF secured a wages uplift in 2019 that brought Victorian nurses and midwives to net pay parity with NSW counterparts. As part of the 2016 negotiations, ANMF (Vic Branch) cemented members’ wage rises for the 2020–24 EBA. The 2020–24 agreement includes a 9 per cent wage increase over four years – 3 per cent in December 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Log in to the Members Menu at the ANMF (Vic Branch) website to see your new, individual pay rate in the ‘Compare your pay rates’ section. The ANMF will commence bargaining in November 2023 to secure a 2024 wage increase payable from the commencement of the 2024 agreement – May 2024.

The public sector wages agreement sets the benchmark for other EBA negotiations including the public sector mental health EBA and the private acute sector EBAs, currently under negotiation.

On 16 April almost 2000 ANMF member nurses and midwives voted in favour of the 2020–24 agreement at a virtual EBA meeting.

In the union’s 23-year history of enterprise bargaining the 2020–24 EBA campaign was only the second out of seven campaigns that did not involve any industrial action to save safe staffing levels.

The Andrews Government’s welcome move to enshrine nurse and midwife patient ratios in legislation in 2015 – and subsequent improvements to the Safe Patient Care Act – removed ratios as a government bargaining chip in EBA negotiations.
