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CPD for nurses and carers in March

CPD for nurses and carers in March

ANMF (Vic Branch) Education Centre provides a wide range of high-quality education seminars and workshops. CPD on offer in March includes:

Elder abuse (13 March)

This session will empower carers, registered nurses and enrolled nurses not only to understand the latest facts on elder abuse, but how to recognise and respond, and how it may be prevented.

Medication administration – principles and practices revisited (18 March and 25 March)

This two-day workshop is designed to update the registered nurse’s skills in medication administration. Topics covered include administration via all five routes, drug calculations and managing IV pumps, syringe drivers and PCA systems.

Improving patient assessment skills (26 March)

This one-day short course for enrolled and registered nurses focuses on development of patient assessment skills, building further on your experience and education.

‘Journey down under’ – the causes and treatment of urinary incontinence (26 March)

This seminar designed for all nurses will cover the anatomy and physiology of the pelvic floor and lower urinary tract and common causes of incontinence in both males and females.

A palliative approach for aged care (27 March)

This seminar focuses on skill development for palliative and aged care nurses wishing to provide best practice end-of-life care for older people in any setting.

With the May registration deadline coming up, registered nurses and midwives needing to fulfil their CPD hours requirements can look at our education calendar for the full program on offer.
