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Consultation is your employer’s legal responsibility

Consultation is your employer’s legal responsibility

Still from Worksafe Victoria consultation video

The OHS Act 2004 recognises that consultation with Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) and employees is key to achieving healthier and safer workplaces.

The Act enshrines this by including rights and powers of HSRs, obligations of employers to HSRs, and inclusion of HSRs in the consultative process.

It is an ongoing requirement that is as important as ever during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is why WorkSafe Victoria have produced a video to remind employers of the importance of genuine consultation with staff.

Employers are legally obligated to give staff the opportunity to shape the health and safety decisions made in their workplace.

We know that during the initial phases of COVID-19, consultation and decision-making timeframes were a challenge to consultative mechanisms. However, by having strong, robust consultative mechanisms in place before a crisis, consultative decisions can be made quickly.

If you would like to assist in improving the consultative mechanisms in your workplace by becoming an HSR or Job Rep, please contact your Organiser (or via Member Assist).
