Top left to bottom right: Maree Burgess (Banyule Council), Jess Foley (Mercy Hospital for Women), Marie Jones (The Women's), Mel Carron (Austin Hospital), Andrew Morgan (Eastern Health's Adult Access Mental Health Program), Steve McKenzie (Ballarat Base Hospital)
The ANMF (Vic Branch) President, Vice-President and four Branch Council Executive Members have been elected unopposed.
President Maree Burgess, a maternal and child health nurse working at Banyule Council and Vice-President Jess Foley, a registered nurse/midwife at Mercy Hospital for Women, have been re- elected for a further two year term.
Executive Members also elected unopposed are as follows:
- Marie Jones, an active Job Rep, registered nurse/midwife and AMUM at The Women’s emergency department.
- Mel Carron, a long-standing ANMF Job Rep and enrolled nurse at Austin Hospital;
- Andrew Morgan, a registered nurse with many years working in mental health at Eastern Health’s Adult Access Mental Health Program and active ANMF Job Rep
- Steve McKenzie, a registered nurse and very experienced ANMF Job Rep working as an ANUM at Ballarat Base Hospital’s emergency department.
The ANMF Branch Council comprises of Branch Secretary, Assistant Secretaries and 20 members. seeks to have representation from each of the NMBA registers, sectors, clinical areas, and also regional and metropolitan Victoria. All positions are honorary and unpaid.
An election of 14 Branch Councillors is underway.