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Ask an experienced EN – Ruth Bloom

Ask an experienced EN – Ruth Bloom

Branch Councillor Ruth Bloom

Ruth Bloom has been an enrolled nurse in a metro emergency department for over twenty years. She is also an ANMF Job Rep and member of the Branch Council.

What drew you to nursing and what has kept you working in the profession?

I always wanted to be a nurse, it’s a part of who I am. As a child I was surrounded by nurses, my mother, a now retired nurse, and most of our neighbours growing up were nurses. I couldn’t escape it, even if I had wanted too!

I remain in nursing because I love clinical nursing and working with the most vulnerable, disenfranchised people. I also love watching how health care has evolved and, with my colleagues, being a part of that evolution to make a difference every day.

What steps did you take to work within the discipline you now work?

After I finished my studies, I saw an advert and applied to the emergency department nursing unit manager. I still work with the team who interviewed me.

What do you wish you knew at the beginning of your nursing career?

I began before enrolled nurses could administer medications (that came later for me). While giving medications is not the be all and end all of patient care, it helps!

So, I created my own work arounds  to manage this, like swapping jobs with my RN colleagues so they could do my medications. I was embarrassed that I had to ask, but always reminded myself to put my patients first and not my self-doubt or embarrassment.

What is your career highlight so far?

Watching junior nurses grow into experienced, wise and well-educated clinicians, and knowing I supported them throughout that journey. Also watching my friends grow and advance their careers.

What is a ‘must do’ for nurses to ensure they are working towards advancing their career?

Consolidate your learnings from your studies and never stop learning because it’s lifelong. Take advantage of the education you are provided in your workplace, upskill where you can and find out what you’re good at and advance those skills. I have advanced my skills to a senior EN, and continue to study, learn and grow.

How have you utilised your ANMF membership throughout your career?

I’ve been a member since registration and have utilised the union for educational purposes. I am a Job Rep and Branch Councillor (my greatest career achievement), and attend our delegates conferences every year, developing and moving my workplace motions.

When I have needed union support, I’ve found the union prompt to address any workplace issues I raise.
