Brendan Jackson and Nicole Kennedy, joint 2024 Hannah Sellars Job Rep of the Year recipients. And Rebekah Hales, the 2024 HSR of the Year recipient. Photo: Christopher Hopkins
At the 2024 Delegates Conference held at the end of June, registered nurse Brendan Jackson, from Monash Health Victorian Heart Hospital, and Dandenong Hospital Special Care Nursery registered nurse Nicole Kennedy were announced as the co-recipients of the 2024 Hannah Sellers Job Rep of the Year award. Registered nurse Rebekah Hales from St Vincent’s Hospital (Adult Mental Health) was named this year’s recipient of the Health & Safety Rep (HSR) of the Year award.
ANMF (Vic Branch) congratulates all three recipients on their well-deserved awards.
Hannah Sellars Job Reps of the Year
The Hannah Sellers Job Rep of the Year Award recognises performance by a Job Rep who has shown an outstanding commitment to ANMF and the members in their workplace. This includes recruitment, working with and supporting ANMF staff to resolve workplace disputes, and other exceptional Job Rep initiatives.
Brendan Jackson
An incredible advocate, Brendan Jackson is enthusiastic in his Job Rep role, disseminating ANMF information, attending meetings and encouraging members to get involved – to increase ANMF bargaining power and ability to influence change, particularly during consultation periods. He is always available to answer questions about changes in workplace policies and ensures any concerns are raised in a timely fashion.
Brendan works tirelessly to ensure that matters are escalated to ANMF, when they are of significance or cannot be resolved locally. He has recruited many members and other Job Reps and has always gone above and beyond for all staff, taking his role as Job Rep very seriously, and handling all matters with the upmost professionalism.
As a Job Rep, Brendan was instrumental in helping and supporting staff in his ward throughout the 2024 public sector EBA campaign. He assisted with bed closures and has been very supportive of staff who have experienced pushback from management throughout the campaign.
He was also an essential point of contact, support, and action during the transition of his old unit to a new hospital during the last 12 months, which has been particularly hard for nursing staff moving to a brand-new hospital, facing a new and uncharted working environment and conditions – Brendan has been there every step of the way, advocating for nursing staff and escalating concerns.
His unwavering support of his union is without question, and colleagues have expressed how lucky they are to have him in their corner – for both the transition to the new hospital and beyond. Brendan works tirelessly towards better working conditions for everyone – helping nurses be seen, heard and valued.

Brendan Jackson receives his 2024 Hannah Sellars Job Rep of the Year award from ANMF Federal Secretary Annie Butler. Photo: Christopher Hopkins
Nicole Kennedy
Nicole Kennedy epitomises the role of advocate, not only for her colleagues but for the neonates and families that she and her team care for in the special care nursery, and more broadly for maternity care for newborns in her health service and community. Advocating tirelessly for more than two and a half years in the face of multiple challenges and continued concerns of viability of the special care nursery, she has not once lost focus.
That focus has ensured the Special Care Nursery has a capacity that is consistent with the needs of the community, is safely staffed and appropriately resourced in a purpose-built location – a location that staff were initially removed from through an amalgamation during COVID, with another two change impact statements proposing further amalgamation.
In advocating for clinical safety and compliance with the neonatal capability framework, Nicole challenged management to review their practices and service provision and acknowledge and address the standards that were not being met. She attended all meetings, spoke out, collected data, escalated to management, continually informed her colleagues and her ANMF Organiser of the ongoing and unaddressed concerns.
Ultimately, Nicole’s efforts were a key reason why the Special Care Nursery, for a trial period, will now be returned to its purpose-built unit, with an appropriate declared capacity and staffing profile to provide care to one of the most vulnerable patient cohorts in our system. We are hopeful that her continued advocacy will ensure that this trial will result in a permanent outcome.

Nicole Kennedy receiving her 2024 Hannah Sellars Job Rep of the Year award from ANMF Federal Secretary Annie Butler. Photo: Christopher Hopkins
HSR of the Year
The HSR of the Year Award recognises the achievement of an HSR who has demonstrated their commitment to members in their designated work group (DWG). Nurses and midwives have a right to work in a safe and healthy environment and to perform that work without risks to their physical and psychological health and safety. Workplaces with HSRs are safer workplaces; and with union HSRs they are even safer.
Rebekah Hales
Rebekah Hales’ remarkable achievements as a Health and Safety Representative exemplify dedication, leadership and commitment to improving workplace safety; her impact as an HSR at her workplace has been nothing short of exceptional.
Rebekah’s journey as an HSR began during an unprecedented time, amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and following a period without active representation onsite in safety. Despite these hurdles, Rebekah stepped into her role with unwavering determination and a clear vision to foster a safer work environment for her colleagues.
Beyond representation, she has role-modelled and practiced collaboration. Her ability to engage effectively with colleagues and with internal and external working groups has been instrumental in fostering a culture of collective safety awareness. She has been proactive in monitoring occupational health and safety measures, identifying critical issues, and advocating for pragmatic solutions despite financial constraints.
Rebekah has demonstrated unwavering dedication in representing her Designated Work Group. Her advocacy spans from championing safer patient transfer practices to securing enhanced safety measures, such as advocating successfully for the construction of two negative pressure rooms within the mental health unit. These efforts were crucial in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and ensuring the safe transfer of mental health patients to clinical wards. Rebekah’s initiatives have markedly elevated workplace safety standards at her workplace.
Her impact extends further through her policy reviews and improvements. Her keen insights into areas such as infectious disease management and manual handling practices have led to essential revisions that ensure policies are not only compliant but truly effective in safeguarding the wellbeing of staff and patients alike.
Standing as a beacon of leadership and advocacy in workplace safety, Rebekah’s proactive stance, collaborative spirit, and strategic interventions have set a benchmark for what it means to champion health and safety in the workplace.

Rebekah Hales receives the 2024 HSR of the Year Award from ANMF Federal Secretary Annie Butler. Photo: Christopher Hopkins