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ANMF supports Esso Longford workers

The ANMF (Vic Branch) Council has donated $30,000 in support of sacked workers at the Esso Longford plant in East Gippsland. ANMF members and staff will head to the Longford work site on 14 June to support the workers, who have been protesting at the site for more than 300 days.
The Esso Longford plant workers – who are Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Electrical Trades Union and Australian Workers’ Union members – were sacked for refusing to accept major pay cuts and changes to their rostering arrangements that would have taken them away from their families.

The plant is owned by BHP and ExxonMobil which is one of Australia’s most notorious and sophisticated tax dodgers.

As a thank you to ANMF, a group of Longford workers attended the ANMF International Nurses Day community rally for aged care ratios on 12 May in a sign of support. Please see video below.

Follow their campaign via the Esso/Longford UGLy dispute Facebook page.

Support the protesting Esso workers

ANMF members, particularly those living in and around Sale, are invited to show their support by attending the Longford site on 14 June between 10am and 1pm.

An email has been sent to members, Job Reps in the Sale and surrounding area.

Let us know you are coming by registering here.
