Adelaide hearing 1 – summary
The second week of the opening hearing of the Royal Commission ran from 18-22 February 2019. During the week individuals, representatives of unions and other peak bodies gave evidence that completed the overview of the range of issues the Commission will consider in the coming year.
The ANMF provided a follow up submission to the Commission highlighting evidence which supported the need for safe staffing. It noted the broad consensus from a range of witnesses for factors relating to staffing levels and skills mix which would lead to improvements in safety and quality in residential aged care.
The ANMF submission reiterated that the ANMF’s staffing level and skills mix proposal is evidence based, flexible and does not stand alone as a solution- but rather that without this methodology, safe and quality aged care will not be achieved.
ANMF staffing and skills mix project – a valuable starting point
Counsel Assisting the Commission, Dr McEvoy QC, summarised the evidence on 22 February 2019. In the course of his summary, he referred to the evidence of the ANMF a number of times. The ANMF Aged Care Staffing Skills Mix Project report 2016 was described as a valuable starting point for understanding the process at work and for examining what is needed to deliver safe, quality care.
Adelaide hearing 2 – aged care in the home
This round of hearings will run from 18-22 March 2019 and will focus on:
- the perspective and experience of people seeking or receiving aged care services in their home, or their family members
- quality and safety in aged care in the home, accessibility to aged care in the home, the interface between aged care in the home and other care, sustainability and the future of aged care in the home
- other key issues affecting the functioning of the Australian aged care system as it relates to aged care in the home
- the regulatory framework as it applies to aged care in the home.
The ANMF has provided a submission addressing these issues and incorporating many quotes from a recent survey of members working in home care which illustrate the challenges faced by both workers and recipients of home care.
In the coming weeks the ANMF will watch the evidence before the Commission carefully and be ready to provide any further response.
Preparing for hearing 3 – residential aged care
In the two weeks commencing 6 May 2019 the Commission will turn its attention to considering residential aged care in detail. The ANMF is in the process of preparing a submission that will build on our previous evidence and submissions. As part of that preparation, a survey will be circulated shortly to gather data and most importantly, stories from members, families and friends of residents of aged care facilities.
Please watch out for the survey on social media – your voice is crucial to the next round of hearings.
You can contact ANMF (Vic Branch) confidentially for urgent issues in relation to the Royal Commission.